Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Wedding Season

Dear Madonna,

Ain't love grand?  And when two people find each other it is, indeed, a reason to celebrate - and may-be be a little silly.

Celebrations took place this past week in the form of a stag for our OTP-buddy Clem who's getting married in a couple of weeks.  He was an amazingly good sport - going along with costuming (bathroom and plastic lei), party games (dancing blind-folded and having to "Name the Follower"), and a photo op that broke the bed in the hotel suite we had rented for the evening. Oops!

On a larger scale, Jesse & Alicia's "Pre-Wedding Bash" offered two separate rooms for dancing, buffet dinner for 100 people or more, cash bar, and a clever home-made photo booth to bring out the extrovert in all of us.

News of another wedding taking place this summer certainly took me by surprise.
Timing is everything.

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