Sunday, June 15, 2008

61 days, 3 hours, 52 minutes

Dear Madonna,

Did you know that there's an on-line birthday countdown on the Blog It's accompanied by an annoying "Happy Birthday" sound bite. Oh well. I'm sure they mean well.

In this weekend's Globe and Mail there was an interesting article by Johanna Schneller, one of their movie reviewers, about the pre-ponderance of films this summer featuring mid-life actors. You got a mention, too, for your 4 Minutes video with featurig "pipsqueak Justin Timberlake" being crushed by your "mighty yoga thighs". LOL!

My life has slowed down to a dull roar following the excitement of JulieFest. I've gotten my bike on the road in the last week and been having some fun in the great outdoors, despite sudden downpours. (Bad for the hair, but at least it's not cold.)

'Till next time, Madge.


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