Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Same Time Last Year

Dear Madonna,

Last year at this time I was in Arizona, practicing with The Meat in preparation for our big US Open Debut.  It was the culmination of months of travelling back and forth across the country and countless hours of practice - at Summers Danceworks on Prescott, the Dovercourt House, and on parquet dancefloors in hotel breakout rooms during event weekends. Our nerves were frayed and all the physical effort had taken its toll on The Meat's body.

I remember being terribly frustrated by the dodgy internet access in the hotel and feeling disconnected with my peeps despite Dana and Michelle being there sharing the experience with me.
This year its back to C.A.S.H. Bash in Cleveland with the whole gang. I have a new partner and a new routine - again the culmination of many months of practice, but without the travel. We'll be performing rather than competing, but will be critiqued by two of the Pros I admire most: Mario, who choreographed the piece, and Angel, who - uh - tells it like it is.
The nerves are fine. I think.

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