Sunday, December 6, 2009

Out, damn'd spot

Dear Madonna,

As a follow up to a routine physical examination my doctor ordered the removal of a mole on the back of my left arm. It was sent to the lab, and in the words of my friend Marilyn, "didn't pass the test". Nothing like the C-word to give pause, even when couched in reassurances about depth of penetration and highest cure rates.

I was sent to a special surgical unit at the hospital. Another incision was made and (it seems) a pound of flesh was taken from the offending area. I get the stitches out tomorrow and the next step, I think, will be a visit to the dermatologist to have tasteful nude photos taken of my entire body. I'm envisioning some arty, black and white prints to grace my file.

I'm feeling well cared-for and am doing my best to keep worry at bay. And I'm eating a lot of broccoli.


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