Monday, May 25, 2009


Dear Madonna,

I can't quite believe that I'm 51. Today. Yeah, no "JulieFest" this year, and I'm in Montreal today at the Hilton Bonaventure with a client - stuffing delegate bags, attending the pre-con (that's short for Pre-Convention Meeting), and if I'm lucky (?) going on a site visit of the new Westin later today. Oh, and it's early to bed tonight to be up and at the Registration Desk by 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning.

But I did have a fabulous birthday "steal" dance on Friday night with Nick, Clem and Wij. It was so much fun, and everyone seemed to enjoy watching it as well. Steve Randall posted a video of the dance on Facebook, so I've been getting lots of messages from people I haven't heard from in ages. Cava-Karen sent me a beautiful card with paper products from Japan, and Louise knit me blanket - can you believe that? I got managed to get together for "Birthday Month" with Midori (whom I haven't seen forever) and Holly (back from celebrating her 30th in Paris). I suspect there are one or two more "acknowledgements" coming....

So may-be this *is* a kind of JulieFest after all - but without Mike Topel, the Dear Johns, Dianne, Cava-Karen, Andy & Tara, Karaoke, the Condom Garden, Elvis Priestly.....

On to stuffing!


Let me get back to you in a bit to let you know

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