Friday, April 10, 2009


Dear Madonna,

Sorry to hear you were denied the opportunity to adopt Chifundo (a.k.a. Mercy) James from Malawi. It seems almost cruel to base the decision on some trifling bureaucratic technicality, like citizenship. You're appealing, right?

Did you happen to catch some of the uproar surrounding Billy Bob Thornton's bizarre interview on the CBC program 'Q' this week? It reminded me of the press conference you gave at The Sutton Place Hotel, which I inadvertently stumbled into. One of of the reporters asked you a question about your personal life and you reminded him - very firmly, but politely - that you were only answering questions about music, the 'Ray of Light' tour, and the new album. Unlike Billy Bob - who must have been smoking something. You can watch the entire train wreck at:

By the way, Billy Bob and the boys are no longer on tour here in Canada. Seems a couple of the band members have come down with the flu.



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