Dear Madonna,
Silly question, I know, but may-be you can pawn it off on Guy in the divorce settlement rather than letting him have the all the state-of-the-art equipment from your home theatre. Mind you, he's probably the only one who watches television in your household anyway. Football matches with all his lager lout mates. I'm guessing you don't let the children sit mindlessly in front of a TV screen any more that you would allow them to eat cheese.
Anyway, I've just posted the TV on Craigslist and hope I can find a good home for it. Barb gave me hers, which has been replaced by a lavish flat-screen that fits over the fake fireplace in her new house. My TV belonged to my grandmother and when I repaired it a few years ago I was assured that sets of that era are actually worth fixing, as opposed to the more disposible varieties built and sold today.
Consumerism and the economy are certainly getting a great deal of attention these days. I went on little "VV Boutique" shopping spree with Theresa last week, and always feel a bit virtuous dropping off more items than I actually buy. As well, the things I do buy are truly recycled goods. (Although I now have to race Theresa to certain sections of the store as we seem to have the same taste and can often wear the same size.)
A busy, festive December is just around the corner....
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