Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Welcome Back to the "Fascist State"

Dear Madonna,

Two sold-out nights of your MDNA tour at the ACC - congrats!  I'm really, really sorry I'm going to miss your show, but the lunch invitation at the Hazelton Hotel is still open.  I'll be there tomorrow at noon.

Oh - and I heard a couple of stories about the bed you ordered to be delivered to the hotel. My first source said it cost $10,000 dollars - then I saw a tweet that talked about a $100,000 dollar bed. Whatever. I know *exactly* how hard it is to get a good bed; my new one still isn't right .

Last night at the Dovercourt House I played the acoustic version of "Love Spent". I didn't get to dance to it myself (I was busy cleaning up) but I think it was a hit.
